We have made significant progress in implementing our carbon measurement strategy for workplaces, shipping, operations, and business fleets. We have also developed comprehensive plans to effectively manage our emissions. This includes collating data, setting a baseline and then targeting in line to achieve the targets set by signing up to the UN Global Compact, to emit 50% less GHG by 2030.
As of April 1st 2021, our Manchester head office has 892 solar panels fitted. Since then, the use of renewable energy has increased in direct operations for the Group with not only our Head Office having solar panels installed, but our Distribution Centre in the UK also having fitted 1,111 Solar Panels in July 2022. For 2022, the combined solar energy generated was 290890kwh/291mhw, saving 166mtCO2e. (The figures exclude Jan-March 2022 at HO, figures were not measured until March 2022 and July to beginning of September at the DC to calibrate and install the system.)
Our Distribution Centre produced 36,810 kwh in the first 5 months which equates to a saving of 214 tonnes of CO2e. In June 2023, we had no need to draw any electricity from the grid for either facility. But this is something we unfortunately can’t maintain over the darker winter months.
We also complete the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) every four years to analyse our energy usage and implement new efficiencies to reduce our carbon footprint. In 2021, we completed the UK Government’s compliance scheme, the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR). This is designed to make companies aware of their energy usage and carbon footprint. Currently we are reviewing our energy suppliers and renegotiating contracts, to switch where possible to those offering renewable energy. Our Distribution Centre (Pioneer Point) currently draws 44% of its energy from renewable sources.
In 2024, the Group is working with a consultant to develop our transition plan, in order to sign up to Science Based Targets for our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
This involves conducting a detailed review and gap assessment on our GHG inventory with recommendations from the consultant and GHG quantification support provided. Collaborative workshops are being held throughout the Group to review carbon reduction initiatives and decarbonisation plans, to impact our target status.
Part of the review we have reduced use of LPG fuel in our fork lift trucks and changed to lithium batteries. This has resulted in a reduction of CO2 emissions from 17mtCO2e to 0.3mtCO2e.
The Group monitors our supply chain’s progress of Scope 3 emissions through the Higg FEM, to align with our transition plan. We engage with our supply chain partners through business plans, giving them a chance to showcase their short and long-term plans. Meetings are arranged to go through the business plans with the supplier, various managers and staff members. We also organise bi-annual supplier meetings to discuss progress from each party. These are followed up with regular meetings or face to face meetings with representatives of the brands to keep our plans moving forward.