Whether you run at night out of preference or just because it's the only time you're free, the underlying safety concern still remains the same. You're much harder to see when night running, so it's important you take steps to wear the right running clothes for the job. In this guide, we'll give you the low-down on what to wear in order to run safely at night.
Running in The Dark: What to Wear
Unless you're lucky enough to be running somewhere warm, chances are it's going to be quite cold when you go out for your night run, especially here in the UK. This guide will mainly focus on clothes that'll keep you warm as well as visible to passers-by. You can read some of our other running gear recommendations over on our guide on what to wear running..
Breathable running tops help to ventilate the heat built up by your body as you exercise, with the added benefit of wicking sweat away to soften the blow of those cold chills when pelted by a gust of wind. There's partly some personal preference to this suggestion, you can either opt for a long sleeve t-shirt or combine a short sleeve running top with a long sleeve base layer underneath if you tend to get cold easily.
With your running top serving as an underlayer for some basic protection and warmth, a reflective jacket will provide the visibility you need in order to alert nearby motorists and cyclists to your presence (not to mention running jackets are also useful in case of any unexpected rain, allowing you to put your hood up rather than get drenched). Here at Dare 2b, we use a special technology called BIOMOTION, utilizing reflective material in high-movement areas of our garments in order to continually bounce light, allowing you to be seen from longer distances.
A mid layer usually comes in the form of either a hoody or fleece. Whether or not you'll need to wear one will vary on the weather conditions, but if you've got a running hoody with enough reflective detail, you could forgo the reflective jacket and stick with the t-shirt and hoody combo instead. If it's colder than usual outside though, we'd definitely recommend throwing a mid layer underneath your jacket to keep you nice and cosy.
Running tights and joggers have always been a reliable go-to for running in the cold weather. Once again, you also have the option of wearing a pair of running shorts combined with some base layer leggings if you prefer. Either way, full-length legwear will stop the cold breeze coming into direct contact with your skin, giving you enough time to build up some heat by running rather than having to deal with the immediate cold.
Lastly, there's footwear. Of course, you'll be needing a pair of trainers that are best suited for running, but make sure they feature some sort of reflective detailing, whether that's a trim around the midsole, retro-reflective lacing or luminescent colouring. Your running shoes will be moving more than any other part of your body when you're running, so having a pair lined with reflective detailing will allow light to continually bounce off your shoes and keep you visible to nearby motorists and cyclists.

The Benefits of Night Time Running
There are plenty of benefits to night time running and if you have the right gear it’s a great way to end your day. Let us talk you through all the great reasons to run at night and give you some handy tips for those late evening laps.
Running after a long, hard day is a great way to unwind and release any tensions or frustrations from the day. It can alleviate anxiety leaving you with a clear head when it’s time to hit the hay.
Late night running means you have more time to prep your body with stretches and warm ups and focus on proper nutrition before your run.
If you have a super busy day ahead it’s not always possible to fit in a morning workout. Going for an evening run means you have less distractions and interruptions leaving you more time to hit the pavement.
Running during darker hours lets you rely less on vision and more on lower level senses allowing your body to go into a more automatic state with sharper reflexes, this means you start to run on autopilot and clock up more miles without noticing.
Make sure you run on a well-lit and familiar route and check underfoot conditions before leaving the house.
Buddy up! Take a friend with you- not only for safety but also for some mid-run motivation. If you prefer to run solo make sure to tell someone where you’re heading or use a run-tracking app in case you get lost or run off-track.
Try to avoid listening to loud music when on a night time run. If you can’t handle the thought of a silent run why not try a podcast instead. That way you can pay more attention to what’s around you without drowning out sounds with music. Loud music can also over stimulate before bed time.
It goes without saying that reflective gear is a must for any night time runner. Our Bio Motion reflective technology is specifically designed to optimize the wearer’s visibility at greater distances. Have a browse of our Fluro clothing range for styles that'll really make you stand out.